Friday, January 25, 2019

Permission to Create, Go and Do!

Permission to Create, Go and Do!
One of our Nation’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, believed strongly that public education was the foundation for the preservation of freedom and happiness. Failing to provide public education would “leave the people in ignorance” and our democracy doomed.  

Realized as a local responsibility, communities created non-profit, tax-supported entities-public schools-whose purpose was to educate and prepare young people.  Despite pressures from beyond the community, it is the locally elected Board of Education that creates mission, vision, policy and governances to give direction.  If the Board does not say go and do, the school doesn’t go and do.  

In Jamie Vollmer’s book “Schools Cannot Do It Alone” he states that America’s educators cannot “teach all children to high levels” because they work in a system designed to do something else: Select and sort young people for an industrial society that no longer exists. 

The Tullahoma City Schools Board of Education understands that a new structure is needed, one that supports ALL students and empowers them to THINK, LEAD and SERVE. 

What is exciting is that not only is the TCS Board creating policy, but they are doing the work with a fresh, updated approach. Modeling 21st century thinking, the Board used a “flipped process” to create the Mission statement.  Meeting face to face in a retreat to craft the DRAFT Mission statement the Board had asynchronous virtual conversations via email, edited the document online, modeled 21st century learning and creating.

TCS Board members have also attended EdcampGigCity and participated in numerous site visits. They are actively contributing to the definition of what the new normal is and how to create direction to prepare TCS young people.  The TCS Board of Education is engaged, committed and giving permission to create, go and do!   

Ready, Aim, SHOOT!
In receiving permission to create, go and do, TCS is in “ready” phase. Beginning November 1, 2018, for one hundred days, actions have been centered around defining current condition, creating vision, identifying strengths and opportunities for growth.  It has measuring capacity and resources for change, sending out scouting parties to see what and or how others are transforming teaching and learning.   It is amazing that across the District, from Tullahoma Mayor Lane Curlee to Motlow College President Michael Torrance to the man on the street energy and excitement is growing!

The next 100 days will be the “aim” phase.   Actions will include, but not be limited to: “getting folks on the bus, and in the right seat”, reviewing curriculum, instruction and assessment, identifying potential public private partnerships, as well as examine physical space to support teaching and learning.  All of this through the lens of what are the needs and how can we best meet them with financial resources.  The goal or the “shoot” phase will be the start of the 2019-2020 school year. 

Strategic thinking: OODA Loop
Observation, Orientate, Decision and Action is strategic thinking created by Col. John Boyd and used by the military. The premise is that as you move through a dynamic, fluid environment toward a goal and observe situations, you orientate to the situation so as to make decisions and take actions. The speed through which you move through the cycle and the flexibility to respond to conditions gives a tactical advantage and accelerates toward  the successful completion of the mission. The target for TCS is to move though change and be in a new condition in 72 months, when the class of 2025 graduates from Tullahoma High School. 

Wildcat Drilling Well #4
"WILDCAT Well Drilling" also known as exploratory drilling, is the process of drilling for oil or natural gas in unproven or fully exploited areas that either have no concrete historic production records or have been fully exploited as a site for oil and gas output. A Roughneck's duties can include anything involved with connecting pipe down the well bore, as well as general work around a rig. The “Roughneck” crew of WILDCAT Well #4 (teachers) will start drilling Wednesday, January 30 @ 1:30 at Old West Middle School. Good stuff happening!

Tullahoma Schools Parent Summit
It takes a village to raise a child is a true statement. Also true is the fact that kids do not come with an instruction book and that each child is different. That being said TCS realizes the importance of working and collaborating with parents. Be sure to put the K-12 Parent Summit, scheduled for Saturday, February 2 on your radar!

Permission Granted: Go and Do!

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