Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Here we GO!

“Tullahoma City Schools (TCS) exist to provide challenging and innovative experiences that support each student’s academic, social, and emotional development, preparing them to live with integrity and a sustained passion for learning.” 

Here we go!
With a successful inservice and launch of the 2019-20 school year, we are on our way.  It is hard to believe we have four weeks completed and that September is here. Time is flying!

The BEST part of my day is when I am in the classrooms, seeing the excitement of teaching and learning.  I am so impressed with the professionalism and commitment to students TCS teachers demonstrate.  You are making a difference in the lives of our students and have my greatest respect.  I appreciate you sharing what you and your students are doing and value your invitations to visit your classrooms. Thank you!

It is energizing to see and hear about the great and wonderful things happening in the buildings.  From Kindergarteners at Jack T. Farrar achieving the first academic badge to West Middle School students writing graphic-style novels to training students at East Middle School to provide tech support to THS DECA students creating Coffee Pot Bowl t-shirts, all across the District good things are happening.  We are indeed moving forward!

Director of Student Services
Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Duncan, TCS’ s first Director of Student Services. This position is designed to provide leadership in facilitating efforts to address student’s social and emotional challenges. Working with school counselors, teachers, law enforcement, coordinated school health, and community resources, the intent is to create a holistic approach of student support. Dr. Duncan will also address out of zone requests and out of District enrollments.  Congratulations, Shannon! 

Assistant Principal at Tullahoma City High School
With Dr. Duncan moving to her new position, the process for filling the Assistant Principal at Tullahoma High School will begin. Prospective candidates will need to go online, review the job description and apply. A Tennessee administrative license is required.  A selection team will be assembled to review each candidate’s paperwork. Utilizing a rubric of desired attributes from the job description, candidates will be selected to interview.  It is noted that not all applicants may have experiences in all desired attributes. It is realized that there may be a “learning curve”.  That being said, I encourage all those interested to apply.  The bottom line is to bring on someone who is the best fit for THS and has potential to grow.  

The TCS District Leadership TEAM is in now in place.
With the Director of Student Services position filled, the District Leadership team is in place.  Next up is to take time to engage the TCS community, to seek input and perspective, to listen and learn, and build a consensus on a direction forward that aligns with the Mission Statement. Stakeholders are important in the process.  Your perspective, reflections, and thinking are crucial.

In the days and weeks to come, through formal and informal settings, the dialogue will begin amongst all stakeholders. This will be a process that includes some of the thinking already identified.  Career and technical education (CTE), flexible seating, vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment, personalized learning as well as continued dialogue on the appropriate use of technology will be researched and reviewed. Again, your perspective and reflections are crucial so please share and participate. More information will follow.    

Strategic Planning
The intent and design of the TCS Strategic Plan is to be a living document, a continual work in progress, a framework for actions to make the District mission statement operational.  We will take emerging practices, research and thinking coupled with Tullahoma strengths to design systems that will best serve our students. Stakeholder feedback from 2019-20, as well as subsequent years will be important too so as to confirm, affirm or make modifications.

As we go forward with deliberation, the TCS strategic plan will look to have “touchpoints” and connections with the city of Tullahoma’s strategic planning. The intent is to look to leverage each other’s strengths and identify areas of opportunity. 

“Shout Outs”
So many great and wonderful things happened last week! A “Shout out” to but a few.
  • The Chamber CEO program “kick-off”.  Tullahoma City Schools are truly blessed with great business-community partners!
  • Last Wednesday’s CTE Advisory Committee meeting provided THS teachers and business partners the opportunity to have mini sessions on various topics. Thank you, Dr. Zimmerman, for facilitating this.
  • Last Thursday’s East Lincoln Elementary Parent night was indeed a “happening” with over 300 participants. Principal Hargrove and his team are to be commended.
  • Congratulations to Coach Olive and the Wildcat football team with their win over Coffee County.
  • With the Middle School football victory earlier in the week, both the Coffee Cup and The Coffee Pot trophies will stay in Tullahoma another year!
  • And how about the Wildcat marching band and the cheerleaders at the game? The band entering the stadium single file and the enthusiasm of the cheer squad during the game gave me goosebumps. Simply amazing.

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