Friday, January 5, 2018

We are at the "tipping point"

We are at the "tipping point"
This past fall the iPhone had its tenth birthday.  It is hard to believe it is ten years old!  Everywhere you turn today one sees "smart" phones and digital devices.  In restaurants, classrooms, shopping malls, church services, folks can be seen texting, video conferencing, emailing, on Facebook, and or fact checking on Google. The world changed. 

As I have said many times we are at a "printing press moment in the history of mankind". The printing press and movable type enable the sharing of thoughts and ideas to anyone who could read,  It made the Bible available to the masses and began the fracturing of every system and social structure of that day. 

Now, a digital devices, connected to the internet, is transforming thinking at never before seen speed, accelerating change exponentially. Systems and social structures are being transformed before our eyes. 

Uber and self driving cars are replacing taxis. Amazon is redefining how we purchase goods and services.  Streaming and downloading is the end for cable television. Bitcoin is poised and has potential to transform finance and banking. Social Media facilitates the sharing of ideas globally and in realtime. This is "future shock" for some and the new normal for others. For young people, this is their reality and they know no different. 

"Stepping through the looking glass"
Part of the "new normal" is access to the internet.  It is expected, and in many instances provided for free. Grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants, even the barbershop in Columbia, Tennessee, have guest networks allowing patrons (or anyones else) to jump on and "surf the web". 

Education Systems: drowning in the wake, running to catch up or riding the wave?
Education in the 21st century, teaching and learning, is at a "flashpoint".  To the core, educational system are being challenged and are showing signs of stress.  The 20th century industrial, factory model, time of task, teach to the middle, turned out graduates to work in the machine.  20th century College and University thinking of "pay to play (tuition = learn)" in the 21st century is quickly becoming an out dated business model. Today learning is not limited to a zip code, a bank account, or your ability to access students loans. Today, a person's potential to learn and grow is only limited by the person's motivation to do so. 

The 21st century is demanding those who can Think and Lead.  Society is in desperate need of those who will Serve.  Our "printing press moment" is the "tipping point".  

Like "popcorn popping" innovation in teaching and learning is happening, but in isolated classrooms and schools. It has not gone to scale and the system itself has not "stepped through the looking glass". 

Education has three choices: 
  • do what always has been done and "drown" 
  • seek out innovative teachers who organically are discovering 21st century instructional practices and pedagogy and encourage them, leveraging them to help others to "catch up"  
  • "Catch the wave" and create a fear free, fail forward, culture of creativity and innovation. A system designed to provide learners (adults and youth) with differentiated, individualized, personalized learning that adapts and meet their potential and passion.    

It is important to remember that Education is not a people problem, but a system problem.  Embracing the "tipping point" and "stepping through the looking glass" there is before us an opportunity to create new! 

This is an exciting time with unlimited potential. I look forward to CONNECTING, COLLABORATING and CREATING with those who read this and choose to be a "pathfinder". The adventure awaits!